Day 1

Hello, everyone!







①Word & Sentence

001 article(ex) He read an article about China.

002 issue (ex) This is a big issue.

003 contract (ex) She got a contract with the company.

004 applocation (ex) My loan application was accepted.

005 client (ex) The lawyer has many clients.

006 account (ex) I have an account with the bank.

007 employee (ex) The company laid off all employee.

008 address (ex) Do you know his address?



品詞 役割
名詞 物、事、人などの名を表す book,teacher,Japan
代名詞 名詞の代わり用いる you,I,it,this,they
形容詞 名詞を修飾する good,big,slow,a,the
副詞 名詞以外の語や文を修飾する up,away,very,slowly,here
動詞 「…する」「…である」のように(主語の)動作や状態を表す is,go,take,turn,have
助動詞 動詞の前において動詞の意味を補助する can,must,will,may
前置詞 後ろの名詞や代名詞と結びついて副詞句や形容詞句を作る of,in,at,on,from,to
接続詞 語と語、句と句、文と文を結びつける and,but,so,if,because


Betty is an excellent cook, but she's a terrible driver.

Fred will take care of the kids in the afternoon.


[Vocabulary] excellent,cook,terrible,take care of...,kid,in the afternoon